Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Great Expectations

Only a few more weeks until I become a wifey. I’m very excited, but, throughout my engagement, I sometimes wonder if I’m not excited enough. Seems that sooooo many parties have an interest in MY BIG DAY – fam, friends, vendors of all types.

I seem to be disappointing most (all) of them.

My family (immediate and extended) is religious. Some piously so. Some (including the pious) prejudicely so. I lost religion a long time ago (too much pious and prejudice), so a church wedding was never considered. (Religious beliefs aside, the thought of walking down an isle, with the music and flowers and all eyes on me, is MORTIFYING.)

When I told Mom of our engagement, the first thing she said (after a rather long silence) was, “That’s great! You’re getting married at our place, right?” (A second assumption was that my uncle, a Baptist preacher, would marry us…)

No, New Zealand. (More silence) And no church. (crickets)

So, Big Disappointment #1 came right outta the gate to be reckoned with, though not to be accepted until just a few weeks ago. As Dad was telling me that he and Mom would not be coming to New Zealand for our ceremony, he suggested doing something at their home and offered up my uncle’s services again. Sigh.

(I'm not sure to label the other tidbit above as Big Disappointment #2. For many, one's parents missing her wedding day would be huge. For us, though, it’s more Big Relief, so, a sympathetic smile is the appropriate response...)

I thought that, with #1 and #2 over, any (sorta) Big Disappointments that followed (#5, my custom made dress; #8, the imperfections of my DIY invites; #3, my age) would be viewed in the proper perspective.

I am proud to say that I'm not cut out to be a Bridezilla. Not even a mini-BZ. It's just much easier to expect that things work out as they should and Kiwi B and I will live realistic-ever-after...

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