A big part of why I embarked on this bloggy thing was to practice writing (thus, hopefully, improving whatever skills I might have).
Easy, right? All I need to do is: a) set a deadline (say, once a week. OK, maybe once a month); b) come up with something to write; c) write it; d) post on blog, by deadline; e) repeat.
So, wha happened?
Sigh...well, I'm embarrassed to say that my lack of entries has everything to do with my lack of commitment. This is work and I just didn't make the time to keep up with it.
Equally embarrassing is the evidence of this life pattern. See, I am all about the genesis, but not so good at planting the flag. Once I realize the work involved in actually finishing an idea or project, I lose interest and look to see what else I can do.
While this keeps things kinda fresh for me, it also leaves a trail of unfinished business: skimmed pages so I can put the book away; tape on walls to remind me where to finish painting baseboards; an unpersonalized computer.
My route to a BS in marine biology developed only after giving up on fashion design and literature and dreams of becoming a rock star (really, what kind of career path is this?).
As I look at a box of partially completed wedding invitations (I will make them by hand!), a wedding dress that needs alterations (I have a sewing machine, I can do it!), a somewhat completed wedding website (I have a blog, why not a website!), I see that, over the years, not much has changed.
Despite my genuine enthusiasm for getting married, to a man I adore, and that I believe this to be a once-in-a-lifetime event, I'm still all Ideas and no Implementation.
So, here we go...I'm going to finish the invites, I'm going to tailor my dress, I'm going to find a caterer. Once Kiwi B moves in, I will ask him to help finish the baseboards.
And I am going to write. Then I'm going to live happily ever after...
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